
2024 LiquidZome Courses

LiquidCosmos by Marina Sans

What is LiquidCosmos?

LiquidCosmos is a Somatic Aquatic methodology that provides unique tools for movement, massage sessions and conscious movement in (warm) WATER, so for Aquatic Bodywork.

It encourages self-knowledge, therapeutic and / or artistic implementation: offering aquatic bodywork sessions to others, self-care, and dance in water.

Aquatic bodywork, a beautiful and intimate dance in water, is in essence a form of self-care. It can serve as a gateway for self-knowledge, it has therapeutic effects in the mind and body and whole being, and can promote creativity and artistic expression. Through an investigative, sensitive, creative, and playful pedagogy, the study of Somatic Aquatic Bodywork explores the following themes:

  • The human body’s anatomy, physiology, psychophysically,
  • The body’s development patterns and process,
  • The deeper emotions stored within the body,
  • The subconscious patterns, expressed through the body.

It addresses the experience of the body through movement, contact, images, guided experiences, research and personal or group creations.

It is a unique experience based on embodiment and integration for a precise and complete physical and emotional re-alignment.

It is based on deep listening and awareness of the different anatomical systems and their distinguishing layers – skeleton, muscles, fluids, fascia, organs, among others- and their relation to each other and the whole, within the liquid medium.

It also looks at development and movement patterns through investigating ondulations, spirals, rotations, open / close in buoyancy and the absence of resistance in water (non gravity).

This trainings provides the technical principles for a healthy holding, supporting, and moving another in floatation and immersion, allowing the receiver to experience different consciousness states and explore different movement qualities, perceptions and sensing states, motor of action and emotions. Attention is given to the posture of both the receiver and the facilitator of the session.

Ultimately Aquatic Bodywork reconnects us with our essence and reminds us that we are, basically, made of WATER. It vows to the loving, embracing, and healing intelligence of this element.

  • Muscle relaxation

  • Relief from joint pain and tension

  • Emotional rebalancing

  • Rebalancing bioenergy flows

  • Decreased anxiety

  • Decreased chronic physical pain and emotional pain

  • Structural rebalancing of emotions

  • Improved sleep patterns

  • Improved breathing patterns

  • Strengthening of the immune system

The practice generates highly therapeutic effects due to the reconnection of ourselves with what we call Essence! Unblocking channels of free vital flow.

Meet Marina Sans

Marina is fascinated for experiencing:

  • The potential of the body intelligence,
  • Different consciousness states,
  • Deep human connections and relationships,
  • Interconnections between ourselves (body and mind), nature, and the world around us.

She embodies an accurate, intelligent, informed, subtle yet deep touch which likes to sense & invite to consciousness the body anatomy meticulously and also all the other bodies connected to the physical one.

For her, inviting to consciousness is the start point for a body-mind-soul healing process in which the body (& being) deeper & genuine needs can apear to be perceived/felt/seen & so… the body itself, through its genuine intelligence & expression can find back its own re-alignment & healing.

Marina’s deep connection with water started even before she was born. Her mother had a condition called hydramnios during pregnancy, which meant that the embryo was surrounded by higher-than-average amount of water. Her name has connotations with water and the ocean – it’s derived from the Latin word “marinus,” which means “of the sea” or “from the sea”. She was born in March, a Pisces in the Zodiac! She is loving and compassionate, with an innate ability to deeply connect and understand other’s feelings.

Marina lived much of her life on the shores of Mediterranean Sea in Spain, diving into it almost daily as her personal morning routine.  Later in life, she used water therapy as a form of self-care and general wellbeing. As a young adult, she briefly worked as social and anthropological documentary maker, travelling in Africa and the Brazilian Amazon, learning about different cultures and studying ways of living and human relationships.

Today, her background is rich in continuous practice and studies in somatic therapies, movement disciplines, dance, repatering bodywork, and different aquatic bodywork modalities. She is passionate about using these therapies to connect with individuals and support their body-mind-soul healing process. While she is passionate about helping individuals through individual sessions, she felt the need to share her learnings more widely by training others to become facilitators of these transformational therapies. With this goal in mind, she combined elements of each of these practices and created a unique program for future facilitators: the LIQUID COSMOS.

A lot of the material and techniques she shares are the result of her investigative studies on how to apply BMC (Body-Mind-Centering) principles into Aquatic Bodywork. And this makes her work unique within the Aquatic Practices world. (more info about BMC here). Her trainings also include elements of disciplines such as:

  • Aguahara & Watsu (studies in Aquatic Bodywork),
  • Contact Improvisation (which she practices for a couple of decades),
  • Butoh dance,
  • Ritual & Nature dance,
  • Yoga & pranayama,
  • Free-dive technics.

As Marina herself is in constant transformation, LIQUIDCOSMOS is in ongoing development and investigation, and it incorporates her interest in research and passion for learning new tools and techniques.

Though, before she dedicated most of her time to somatics in water, even she was a lot in water for her own well being, she worked

The Temple


Where everything is cared and caring till the last detail.

Chemical free round pool, at the same temperature as a mother’s womb: 35°C.

To Whom

Mostly… for all those who feel a genuine call for it and have a high level of listening skills and ability to connect with others.

However… trainings are delivered in an intimate setting, and therefore only a reduced number of participants are allowed (8 max)

Those with a Somatic practices background such as other Aquatic Body Work disciplines, body work therapists, yoga, dance, health professions, movement researchers might have greater familiarity with the concepts presented in the training and therefore greater ease to process and integrate the learnings.

Participants areencouraged to include their knowledge of aquatic practice.
This training is a great opportunity to learn and incorporate new tools based on listening and connecting to the body and mind, to. deepen anatomical knowledge, and to refineintuition and creativity.

Knowing how to swim is not strictly required.

The Courses





  1. Tools for a session phases:
    • connecting & breathing
    • grounding, rooting, centering, aligning.. for better flight
    • the journey towards horizontal
    • the flow
    • the journey back to vertical
    • grounding back
  2. Movement patterns for offering a session & it’s relation to development patterns:
    • ondulations,
    • rotations,
    • spirals,
    • folding/unfolding
  3. Presence , self-care & the healthy posture for offering a session:
    • breathing,
    • rooted,
    • grounded,
    • centered,
    • aligned,
    • articulate.
  4. Communication basics:
    • conversations pre-sesion & post-session.
  5. The art of accompanying processes versus “Healing”. Holding the space. Genuine movement.
  6. Benefits and contraindications of the practice.
  7. Material: floats, pillows, nose-clips.

If you have any health issues that might be a constrain to enroll in this module (such as vertigo, undergoing chemotherapy, ear problems or other related physical, emotional, or mental health), we advise that you contact the therapist / trainer for this module.


MARCH 15-19


  1. Breathing.
    Lung breathing
    Cellular breath: unity.
  2. Contact
    Celular touch: silence, osmosis. repattering.
  3. Experiencing anatomy of body System
    Differentiate them, feel them, move and move from them, perceive from them: flow, dissolve, float, fly…
    1. Joints and synovial fluid
    2. Skeleton and bones
    3. the fascinating world of fascia
  4. Organizing a session in terms of working with body systems. Ideal order & listening the needs.


If you have any health issues that might be a constrain to enroll in this module (such as vertigo, undergoing chemotherapy, ear problems or other related physical, emotional, or mental health), we advise that you contact the therapist / trainer for this module.


JUNE 21-25


  1. Skeleton & bones II (deepening):
    bone sponge, bone marrow, periosteum.

  2. joints & synovial fluid II (deepening):
    methodological refinement.

  3. Cerebro-spinal fluid & cranio-sacral work on earth and in water.

  4. head support & flotation/manipulation hand.

  5. Fascinating world of fascia II (deepening):
    the 3 fascial work types and the 3 fascia depths.

  6. Relating / connecting different body systems.

  7. The underwater realm:
    immersions level 1.


If you have any health issues that might be a constrain to enroll in this module (such as vertigo, undergoing chemotherapy, ear problems or other related physical, emotional, or mental health), we advise that you contact the therapist / trainer for this module.


JULY 26-30


  1. Organs 1:
    lungs, heart, stomach, liver, intestines, brain.

  2. use of eye mask

  3. work with complementary material (flotheta)

  4. working organs through fascia

  5. The underwater realm:
    immersions level 2


If you have any health issues that might be a constrain to enroll in this module (such as vertigo, undergoing chemotherapy, ear problems or other related physical, emotional, or mental health), we advise that you contact the therapist / trainer for this module.


AUGUST 21-25


    spleen, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, urinari bladder, sexual organs.

  2. Endocrine system I:
    identifying the most energetic bodies & working with: glands.

  3. blindfold working

  4. couple sessions

  5. rebosso intro

If you have any health issues that might be a constrain to enroll in this module (such as vertigo, undergoing chemotherapy, ear problems or other related physical, emotional, or mental health), we advise that you contact the therapist / trainer for this module.




  1. Nervous system:

    • Peripheric nervous system

    • somatic NS

    • autonomic NS
      sympathetic & parasympathetic.

    • central nervous system

  2. Ethics & boundaries on the profession.
    involvement, economics, sensuality, sexuality.

  3. personal ecology & self care of the therapist:

    • Personal practice

    • Clients register

    • Energetic care & cleansing

    • Diet

    • Hydration

    • Complements

    • Ears, skin, intimate body care

  4. work in trios: the art and power of inviting the receiver to feel the presence & care of “mum & dad”.

  5. rebosso underwater

  6. blindfold sessions 2

If you have any health issues that might be a constrain to enroll in this module (such as vertigo, undergoing chemotherapy, ear problems or other related physical, emotional, or mental health), we advise that you contact the therapist / trainer for this module.

& Food

Accommodation and food are not included in the training contribution.

We are very happy to recommend & announce that this year we got the best upgrade ever as, next door, our neighbors opened a guest house + shala + food service, called CASA AYA.

So you can forget to rent a car & have to do strange combinations to come & go from LiquidZome when you are in the midst of the process (& even have time to take a nap after lunch or go back home with the towel rolled on your head in the evening)

They have space for 6 persons divided into 2 shared rooms, kitchen and a big shala with wooden floor, yoga mats, meditation pillows. (We might use their shala some times)

They also offer VEGETERIAN FOOD SERVICE (also adaptable if you are vegan or have any special need, though you need to tell them your special needs at least a week in advanced so they can really meet your needs).

Here a link to their Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/casa_ayasintra

& Karina’s (owner) contact: +351968157435

Connect with her to get informed with enough time for them to prepare everything for you & for you to make sure you meet your needs.

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